$4 Million +
Negligent Security Resulting in Wrongful Death
Practice Area: Negligent Security
Case Details: Our client was traveling back to her residence when she was confronted by an unknown person who shot our client multiple times resulting in her death. Although significant crime existed on the subject premises, ownership failed to have adequate security and security features on the premises and did nothing to prevent such crimes. The case settled prior to trial for over $4,000,000.00.
$1 Million
Slip and Fall Resulting in Serious Injury
Practice Area: Premises liability, Slip and Fall
Case Details: Our client slipped and fell in a shopping center in South Florida. Client suffered injuries to their neck, back, and hip, requiring extensive medical treatment including multiple surgeries.
Slip and Fall Resulting in Serious Injury
Practice Area: Premises Liability, Slip and Fall
Case Details: Our client slipped and fell in a lobby at a hotel/resort in the Orlando area. Client suffered a fracture of the femur requiring extensive medical treatment.
$2.3 Million
T-Bone Car Accident Resulting in Severe Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident, Wrongful Death
Case Details: A T-Bone car accident collision occurred within a gated community in Broward County, FL where our client collided when the at-fault driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic leaving our client with extensive property damage and serious injuries. Our client sustained injuries to their back, neck and knees, and resulted in severe medical treatment and multiple surgeries. Learn more by clicking here.
$1.1 Million
Car Accident Resulting in Wrongful Death
Practice Area: Car Accident, Wrongful Death
Case Details: Our client’s family member was tragically killed when a drunk driver crashed into her car causing significant damage and the total loss of the car. After the family retained our firm, we were able to prove to the insurance carrier that it was in their insured’s best interest to settle with our clients instead of proceeding to litigation. After a few short months, our personal injury lawyers were able to obtain the policy limits from all insurance companies.
$1.1 Million
Car Accident Resulting in Paralysis
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: We represented a young lady who was horribly injured when the car she was driving lost control and hit a tree. Our Firm investigated the crash and hired accident reconstruction experts. As a combined effort, we were able to prove that the rental car company that provided the car to our client had different tire treads on opposite tires and one was worn down. Our Firm recovered over $1,000,000 for our client.
$1 Million
Negligent Security Resulting in Wrongful Death
Practice Area: Wrongful Death
Case Details: Our Firm represented the family of a man who was shot while visiting an apartment complex. The apartment complex was previously on notice that their was often crime occurring at the property. The claims were brought against the apartment owner, the management company, and the security company. The apartment complex blamed the security company for failing in doing their job. After contested liability the and prior to trial the case resolved in favor of our clients.
$2 Million
Negligent Security Resulting in Wrongful Death
Practice Area: Wrongful Death
Case Details: Our Firm represented the family of a person who was tragically shot and killed while he was at a restaurant. After our Firm investigated, it came to light that the restaurant had been on notice that there were crimes such as drug sales and fights that were occurring right off the property. After being able to show that the restaurant should have provided better protection to its patrons while they were coming and going in order to avoid injury our office was able to convince the insurance carrier to tender their multimillion-dollar insurance policy.
$1 Million +
Confidential Recovery on behalf of several claimants totaling in excess of $1,000,000 +
Product Liability Resulting in Permanent Damages
Practice Area: Product Liability
Case Details: Our Firm filed suit against the manufacture of two multibillion-dollar companies that manufactured denture cream products. These cases eventually were all consolidated into an MDL (multi-district litigation) which was organized in the Southern District of Florida’s Federal Courts. Mr. Shiner was also appointed by the federal court to serve on the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee (PSC). After years of litigation and disputed causational issues raised by the companies, a resolution was reach with the plaintiffs. Our Firm represented several plaintiffs and was able to recovery multiple millions of dollars for our clients.
$1 Million +
Car Crash Resulting in Multiple Deaths
Practice Area: Car Accident, Wrongful Death
Case Details: Our firm represented two teenagers who were best friends in high school. After graduation, the two teenagers decided to travel to Disney World. On the trip to Disney World the car they were driving had a tire blow out that caused the vehicle to swerve and travel into the opposite lane of traffic. At that time a tractor trailer slammed into their car immediately killing both boys. David Shiner brought a claim against the manufacture of the tire and the car insurance company alleging that the car insurance company failed to maintain the tire which was critical evidence in the case. Eventually the case resulted in settlement totaling over 7-figures.
$1 Million +
Slip and Fall Accident Resulting in Spinal Cord Injury
Practice Area: Slip and Fall Accident
Case Details: In 2019 our client was visiting a hotel located in South Florida. Our client went out to the patio where there was a drainage pipe from an air conditioner leaking onto the patio surface making the floor slippery and dangerous. Our client fell as a result of the water on the patio and necessitated multiple surgeries including spine surgery with the insertion of spinal hardware. The hotel initially denied any liability requiring a lawsuit to be filed by our firm. After our slip and fall attorneys were able to prove that the hotel had a non-delegable duty to make the patio safe, the insurance carrier decided it was best to resolve the case and pay a multi six figure confidential settlement.
$1 Million
Golf Cart Accident Resulting in Brain Injury
Practice Area: Vehicle Accident
Case Details: Our client, a minor, was injured and sustained a severe head injury that resulted in emergency room physicians opining that our client needed immediate surgery which included a craniotomy. The employee who operated the golf cart negligently allowed the minor to ride standing up on the back of the golf cart and also operated the cart in a negligent manner. The employee’s actions resulted in the minor falling to the ground and hitting his head. After hotly contested litigation regarding liability, Mr. Shiner was able to obtain a settlement just prior to trial.
Car Accident Resulting in Severe Injuries
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Retired grievance committee member of the Florida Bar, entrusted our firm to represent him for severe injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. After months of handling his case our firm was able to recover a settlement of $700,000.00.
Car Accident Resulting in Multiple Disc Herniations and Surgery
Practice Area: Motor Vehicle Accident
Case Details: In June, 2021, our client was a seatbelt-restrained and undistracted driver who was struck on his right rear side by another motorist who failed to yield the right of way. While no injuries were initially reported for weeks, our client did sustain several injuries to his neck and back, which ultimately led to invasive surgery to correct the damage. Shiner Law Group’s attorneys recovered a $575,000.00 pre-litigation settlement for the client.
Car Accident Resulting in Back Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Contested liability and disputed causation. Client was seriously hurt and after months of conservative treatment he underwent the recommended lumbar surgery. Eventually our lawyers negotiated a recovery of the policy limits of $500,000.
Car Accident Resulting in Significant Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: In 2019 our client was rear-ended on the Turnpike in Palm Beach County by a work truck driven by a company employee. The impact caused our client’s vehicle substantial property damage and resulted in him needing to seek extensive medical treatment including months of physical therapy. Our Firm was able to recover an award of $525,000 in gross settlement in order to compensate our client.
Motorcycle Accident Resulting in Significant Injury
Practice Area: Motorcycle Accident
Case Details: Our client was operating his motorcycle in the early morning hours on the roads located in their gated community which is in south palm beach county. Unbeknownst to him, workers dropped items in the roadway which caused our client’s motorcycle to lose control and he crashed significantly hurting himself and was transported to the hospital via ambulance. Our Firm brought claims against the homeowner’s association, security company, and a landscaping company. After significant litigation and issues related to liability, our motorcycle accident lawyers were able to obtain a favorable result for our client which was required to be maintained confidential.
Rear End Car Accident Resulting in Severe Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: A rear end car accident collision occurred in St. Lucie County, FL where the at-fault driver became distracted and collided with the rear end of client’s vehicle, leaving our client with serious injuries. Our client sustained injuries to their low back, requiring extensive medical treatment including surgery.
Pedestrian Accident Resulting in Major Injuries
Practice Area: Pedestrian Accident
Case Details: We represented a pedestrian who was struck by a vehicle sustaining severe injuries. Our firm was able to recover a $500,000.00 settlement in less than 2 weeks.
Car Accident Resulting in Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Our client was injured as a result of a negligent driver side-swiping his vehicle while on a residential road. Our Firm was able to obtain a policy limit tender from the at fault driver and subsequently we were able to get our client’s additional under-insured automobile insurance policy to tender their policy limits.
Defective Product Resulting in Hand Injury
Practice Area: Product Liability
Case Details: Our client bought a food processor and attempted to “chop” frozen food. Unfortunately, the food processor’s blade broke and seriously injured our client’s hand. The injury resulted in the client’s inability to perform substantial duties of her job as a dental technician. After retaining an expert and proving the defective design of the product and improper warnings the manufacture resolved the case for an amount that not only covered our client’s medical bills and lost wages, but was enough to assist our client to have money for the future until she could find another career.
Automobile Accident Resulting in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Car crash resulting in significant injuries including a diagnosed Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Our law firm was able to obtain a complete tender of the at fault parties insurance policies after our trial lawyers were able to convince the insurance carrier that our client’s injuries would result in significant and ongoing medical treatment.
Car Crash Resulting in Knee Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: The Firm’s client was hurt after the negligent party failed to stop at an intersection. As a result of the crash, our client underwent shoulder surgery and knee surgery. After significant negotiations, our firm recovered the policy limits from the at-fault driver and a substantial amount from our client’s under-insured policy.
Rear End Car Accident Resulting in Severe Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: A rear end car accident collision occurred in Palm Beach County, FL where the at-fault driver failed to stop with traffic causing a multi-vehicle chain collision, leaving our client with extensive property damage and serious injuries. Our client sustained injuries to their back and neck, requiring extensive medical treatment including surgery.
Parking Lot Car Accident Resulting in Spinal Cord Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: The injured person was in a shopping center parking lot when a car backed into her car. The impact was minimal and resulted in very little property damage. Unfortunately, however, the forces of the crash caused our client’s neck to hurt and after a year of conservative medical treatment she underwent an anterior cervical diskectomy with fusion (also known as an ACDF). After the surgery our firm had to file suit since the car insurance company failed to accept responsibility. After years of litigation surrounding pre-existing issues, liability, and causation, our firm was able to secure an award of $300,000, which was the at-fault party’s policy limits.
Slip and Fall Accident Resulting in Broken Bones
Practice Area: Slip and Fall Accident
Case Details: Our client was returning to her car when she tripped in a hole in the asphalt of the grocery store’s parking lot. Of course, the shopping center disputed liability and claimed that the hole was open and obvious. Our firm filed suit and eventually recovered money to compensate our client.
Car Accident Resulting in Personal Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Our firm’s client was traveling in Fort Pierce, Florida when a driver failed to stop at a red light. The crash was horrific, and our client was transported from the scene of the accident to Lawnwood Medical Center for emergency surgery. After our client retained our firm’s personal injury lawyers, we were able to obtain the full tender of all insurance coverage. In addition, our firm was successful in negotiating our client’s medical bills down resulting in even more compensation to our client.
Car Accident Resulting in Neck Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: In 2019, our client was rear-ended while stopped in a school car line. The impact caused our client’s vehicle minimal property damage. The crashed caused our client to predominately suffer injuries to his neck and eventually resulted in a single-level neck surgery. After just under one year of litigation, our firm negotiated a policy limit settlement result in the amount of $260,000.00.
Parking Garage Auto Accident Resulting in Significant Injuries
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Client came to us after being involved in a single car accident. The client was a passenger in his friend’s car who lost control of his car in a parking garage. Days later the client presented to the hospital with abdominal pain and ultimately needed surgery. Shiner Law Group was able to get the client $250,000.00.
Apartment Complex Slip and Fall Accident Resulting in Personal Injury
Practice Area: Slip and Fall Accident
Case Details: Our client slipped and fell on standing water in an apartment complex. It was alleged by our firm that the water was caused to be there because of a misdirected sprinkler. The injured person sustained an ankle fracture and resulted in a significant financial resolution that not only covered our client’s medical bills but also provided our client with enough money to assist her in the overall recovery from the injuries.
Bicycle Accident Resulting in Personal Injury
Practice Area: Bicycle Accident
Case Details: Our client was a bicyclist who was crossing Lyons road in Palm Beach County. A distracted driver failed to stop at the intersection and traveled into the cross walk hitting our client and knocking her to the ground. Eventually, our firm was able to secure a significant six-figure result to pay her for her injuries.
Medical Accident Resulting in Burn Injury
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
Case Details: David Shiner represented a young lady who was provided an epidural during childbirth so they could perform a cesarian section (c-section). Because of the epidural, our client could not feel her legs and the doctor apparently left the cauterizing tool on our client’s leg which was only discovered after the people in the room noticed the smell of burning flesh. The burns resulted in serious and permanent scarring that could be conspicuously seen when our client would wear shorts. After filing suit, the insurance carrier for the physician tendered the doctor’s policy limits.
Small Initial Offer, Large Settlement for Rear-end Collision
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Client was a seat-belted driver of a vehicle traveling on Interstate-95 when he was rear-ended. Thereafter, the client drove to an urgent care, treated with a chiropractor, and ultimately underwent a lumber surgery. As a matter of background, the client worked on their feet all day in a restaurant and the Defendant disputed causation of injuries – specifically refusing to offer more than $40,000. As such, Shiner Law Group filed a lawsuit, and, after two years of litigation, Shiner Law Group was able to get the client $200,000.00.
Car Accident Resulting in Severe Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: In 2020 our client was traveling on Kanner Highway in Martin County Florida. At the same time a negligent driver failed to stop for a red light and t-boned our client’s vehicle. The impact resulted in injuries that eventually required surgery. The case resolved for the policy limits of the at fault driver and our client’s UM insurance policy.
Car Accident Resulting in Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: The client was traveling on I-95 in Broward County Florida when a distracted driver side-swiped our client resulting in our client hitting the barrier wall. The client underwent conservative treatment and was advised that they may need surgery. Prior to any surgery or the need to file a lawsuit the car insurance company tendered their driver’s policy limits in the amount of $100,000.
Car Accident Resulting in Injury
Practice Area: Car Accident
Case Details: Our client was a passenger in their friend’s car, and they were traveling home from a friends house. Without warning, the car our client occupied was t-boned on the passenger’s side. The impact was serious, and our client needed multiple types of medical treatment such as orthopedic evaluations, chiropractic care, and diagnostic testing. The insurance carrier for the negligent party made a pre-suit offer on only $10,000 and claimed that our client’s injuries were pre-existing. Our Firm filed suit against the at-fault party and during litigation was able to obtain a policy limit tender of $250,000.
Slip and Fall Accident Resulting in Injury
Practice Area: Slip and Fall Accident
Case Details: Our client was at a relative’s home when she went to go down the stairs. The lights were not working and thus, our client fell down the stairs hurting herself. Although our client did break a few bones, surgery was not medically necessary. Our firm was able to quickly work out a monetary solution for our client ending any threat of litigation.
Slip and Fall Accident Resulting in Knee Injury
Practice Area: Slip and Fall Accident
Case Details: Our client slipped on what appeared to be condensation that dripped onto the floor in a movie theater bathroom. As a result of the fall our client needed knee surgery. The movie theater argued that our client needed surgery prior to the fall and that they did not have notice of the hazard. After a lawsuit was filed, our attorneys were successful in obtaining a settlement award in the amount of $175,000.
Uninsured Motorist (UM) Claim for Injuries to the Hand
Practice Area: Motor Vehicle Accident
Case Details: In October, 2021, our client was rear-ended by another motorist. Unfortunately, the at-fault, ticketed driver who was held responsible for causing the accident was uninsured. Our client sustained injuries to his neck, back, and left wrist, ultimately undergoing Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) repair/reconstruction, resulting in a $150,000.00 settlement from our client’s UM insurance carrier.
Trip and Fall Resulting in Injuries
Practice Area: Slip and Fall
Case Details: Shiner Law group was able to recover $90,000.00 for a client who injured his left shoulder after tripping over an unmarked stake while trying to enjoy a friendly game of golf with his friends.
Truck Accident Resulting in Significant Injury
Practice Area: Truck Accident
Case Details: At the beginning of 2020, just prior to the recent pandemic, our client was rear-ended on I-95 by a box truck. The crash resulted in significant intrusion to our client’s vehicle. The impact was so severe that our client was required to seek immediate medical treatment. Prior to any surgical intervention the truck’s insurance carrier tendered the policy limits of one-hundred thousand dollars.
Confidential Significant Six-Figure Settlement
Defective Glass Drawer Knob Resulting in Severe Injury to a Child
Practice Area: Product Liability
Case Details: In April, our client A.T., a minor child, suffered severe lacerations to his hand after a glass knob shattered in his hand in the course of normal and ordinary use; the argument was that the glass knob was a defective product. Surgery and six weeks of therapy were necessary to repair the child’s lacerated nerve and tendons. Our firm obtained a court-approved pre-litigation settlement for a confidential significant six-figure settlement.
Confidential Multi Six-Figure Amount
Nail Salon Incident Resulting in Significant Hand Injury
Practice Area: Nail Salon Negligence
Case Details: Our client went to a South Florida nail salon to get a manicure and the nail technician cut our client’s finger during the manicure. Our client developed a significant infection that resulted in multiple surgical procedures. Although no offer was given prior to filing suit and liability was heavily contested, after filing a nail salon infection lawsuit and conducting discovery, Shiner Law Group resolved the case for a confidential multi six-figure amount.
Confidential Settlement
Trip and Fall Resulting in Significant Injuries
Practice Area: Premises Liability
Case Details: In 2017, our client was at a mini-golf outing when she tripped and fell near one of the putting greens and significantly injured herself. Given that the incident occurred at a mini-golf location, liability was hotly contested. After taking over our client’s case in litigation from another law firm, the attorneys at Shiner Law Group were able to negotiate a significant confidential settlement.
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