
Shiner Law Group » Personal Injury » Slip and Fall Injuries » Top Questions to Ask A Slip and Fall Lawyer

Top Questions to Ask A Slip and Fall Lawyer

When a person experiences a slip and fall, it may be common practice to attribute the accident to general clumsiness; however, many victims fail to realize the incident is the result of another person’s or business’s negligence. That is when you need an experienced slip and fall accident attorney who can investigate your case, file your claim, and get you the financial recovery for your injuries.

If you or your loved one has suffered physical damage in a slip and fall accident, contact our award-winning attorneys at the Shiner Law Group to review your legal rights and options in a free case review. We customize our services and provide aggressive representation on a contingency fee basis: you pay nothing unless we get the results you deserve.

Top Questions to Ask A Slip and Fall Lawyer - Shiner Law Group

Preparing Your Slip and Fall Accident Case

The recovery process can be complex and arduous, particularly if you have suffered severe or life-threatening injuries. Understanding how to expedite your claim can provide peace of mind and strengthen your financial recovery potential.

The personal injury attorneys at the Shiner Law Group provide a list of questions to ask your slip and fall lawyer. If you have been injured through no fault of your own, you may have grounds to pursue economic and non-economic damages for your losses.

Where Do Slip and Fall Accidents Most Often Occur?

Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere and to anyone. Exercising caution can reduce the risk of injury in dark or cluttered environments, on unsafe stairwells, and on icy or wet surfaces.

I Was Involved in a Slip and Fall Accident, But My Injuries Are Minor. Do I Need Legal Representation?

Protecting your legal and financial interests is paramount. Not every injury manifests immediately following an accident, as some symptoms may not become apparent for several days. Medical treatment or missed work can cause you to suffer economic hardship. Hiring an attorney will help you hold at-fault parties accountable to obtain the financial support you need to move beyond the incident.

It is important for victims of slip and fall or trip and fall accidents to seek medical care because this will prevent insurance companies from undermining your recovery and assist your attorney in quantifying your damages.

How Do I Show Another Party Acted Negligibly?

Personal injury claims, such as slip and fall accident cases, are adjudicated under the state’s negligence standard that requires the claimant to prove the defendant owed and breached their legal duty of care, causing the claimant’s injuries. Slip and falls fall under the umbrella of premises liability cases, which maintains that property owners are legally responsible for the safety and upkeep of their property. If a dangerous condition exists, the property owner must make the proper remedies or provide public notice.

What Do I Need to Build a Case?

Your personal injury attorney can help you establish culpability by obtaining police, medical, and accident reports, in addition to consulting a network of industry experts and gathering relevant evidence. It is important to file your claim early, as the quality of evidence may degrade over time.

How Long Do I Have to File My Personal Injury Claim?

Florida law permits victims of personal injury to bring a legal cause of action against a negligible party within two years from the incident or two years in cases of wrongful death, per the state’s statute of limitations.

Speak with a Shiner Law Group Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer

Have you or someone you love been injured because of the negligent, reckless, or intentional conduct of another? Call us at (561) 777-7700 or contact us online for a free case review.

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Common Slip and Fall Accident Questions