When you get involved in a car accident, you may have to make a claim to get compensation from your insurance company. In that case, you have two choices. You can either talk to your insurance company directly or hire a car accident lawyer to file a claim on your own. If you submit a claim without speaking to a lawyer, you’ll be on your own against the insurance company and their influential lawyers.
Attempting to handle an insurance claim on your own can complicate the claim process; therefore it is better to hire a car accident lawyer. There are several other reasons why you shouldn’t handle a car accident case yourself and hire a car accident lawyer instead. In this post, we’ll highlight those reasons.
Insurance Agents Have Tricks Up Their Sleeves
The only purpose of insurance companies is to make money; they are not interested in helping any of their customers. The insurance agent may act like they are your friend, but the truth is that they’ll do their best to ensure that the insurance company pays out as little as possible to keep more dollars for themselves. Insurance agents have many tricks up their sleeves that they tend to use against you.
For example, an insurance agent may ask you to provide details of the accident. They may ask for location and the information of the other driver involved in the accident. Also, they may also ask you who was responsible for the accident. If you say that the accident occurred because of your fault, then the insurance company will surely deny your claim. A car accident lawyer can keep you safe from these tricks of insurance agents that can lead to your claim being denied.
Protect Your Legal Rights
If the insurance companies were interested in helping people, you would only have to file a claim with your insurance company, and after a few weeks, they would offer you a settlement you rightly deserve. The amount will cover your lost wages and medical expenses right away. However, in most car accidents, this doesn’t happen. You may have to fight with your insurance company that isn’t acting in good faith, denying your insurance claim or forcing you to accept an offer that is very low.
By hiring a car accident lawyer who is well aware of your legal rights, you can identify unlawful situations and correct them to get the compensation you rightly deserve. When a lawyer is handling your case, you can rest assured that the insurance company will not act in bad faith because if they do, they’ll be taken right to the court.
Become Aware of the Law
The law related to property damage and personal injuries looks simple, but it becomes complicated when the professional lawyers of the insurance companies fight back and deny your claim. They don’t want to pay for the injuries you sustain from the accident and will do everything in their power to keep the money to themselves.
Insurance companies may even tell you that they aren’t entitled to pay you if the medical insurance company has already paid for your bills. This isn’t true. The insurance company must pay for your medical bills, even if you have medical insurance. You may not be aware of these things, and the insurance company will be able to trick you if you don’t hire a lawyer. A lawyer can inform you about the law and fight the insurance company on your behalf. If the insurance company is denying your claim, your lawyer will know what to do to make them pay the amount you deserve.
Taking the Case to the Court
Some automobile accidents are complicated and cannot be resolved through a simple insurance claim. You may be required to file a personal injury suit to get the compensation you rightly deserve. If you don’t have any legal experience, the process will prove to be daunting for you.
A car accident lawyer can handle all the administrative tasks and paperwork for you. Furthermore, they can attend all the important court appearances throughout the case so that you only have to attend specific hearings.
Help You Negotiate a Settlement
Even if the insurance company approves your claim, you may not be given a fair compensation offer right away. Many insurance agents who approve the claim of the insurer, initially make a low-ball offer. They do this because they want to pay out as little as possible. Insurance companies hope that you’ll accept their first offer. However, if the offer isn’t what you deserve, you have the right to negotiate a fair settlement.
Negotiating a settlement is hard as you’ll have to lay down strong facts to establish that the offer is too low and you deserve more. A car accident lawyer can collect important information from your car accident and give reasons that will help you negotiate a fair settlement. They know how to properly evaluate all of the medical documentation, bills, and other important evidence to ensure that the insurance company pays out the amount you deserve.
The Bottom Line
After getting injured an automobile accident, hiring a car accident lawyer may not be the first thing that comes to your mind. You may try to handle the claim process yourself to save your dollars. But, if the insurance company denies your claim, you won’t get any compensation. By working with an experienced car accident lawyer, you get a powerful individual on your side, some who knows the tricks of the insurance companies and can guide you through the complicated claim. You can be sure to receive fair treatment when you hire a lawyer because they know your legal rights and will fight to protect them.