
Accidents in Merging Lanes

Merging onto highways and busy freeways can be difficult. Drivers must focus on the cars on the road and pay attention to the approaching traffic to merge without causing an accident. Unfortunately, many drivers are careless when merging and their carelessness leads to an accident. Merging accidents cause substantial damage to the vehicles involved and can also cause serious injuries to the people involved in the accident.

Accidents in Merging Lanes

Why Merging Accidents Occur?

Unfortunately, merging accidents occur frequently. They occur when drivers fail to accurately judge the distance of other vehicles on the road from their car while they are merging. Common causes of these accidents include:

  • Merging at an extremely slow speed onto the busy freeway
  • Cutting off vehicles abruptly
  • Suddenly changing lanes without using turn signals
  • Changing multiple lanes at once

Injuries Suffered in Merging Accidents

Merging accidents can lead to different types of injuries. Some injuries that people may suffer in a merging accident include:

  • Facial injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Bruises
  • Fractures
  • Broken bones
  • Back injuries
  • Organ damage
  • Spinal cord injuries

Who is Liable for the Accident?

A merging accident mostly occurs due to the fault of the merging driver. This means that they should be held liable for the accident. However, in some cases, the merging driver is not at fault. For example, if a driver who is trying to merge gets hit by another driver who was over-speeding, then they can’t be held responsible for the accident.

The driver who was over-speeding broke the law which is why they’ll be held liable for the accident. Similarly, if the driver who is attempting to merge hits another vehicle and the driver of that vehicle is found to be drunk, then the drunk driver will likely be held liable for the accident.

Sometimes both drivers can be at fault in a merging lane accident. For example, if driver merges into the lane without yielding the right of way to the oncoming traffic and collides with another driver who was over-speeding, then it will be a case of shared fault.

Police Report is Important

If you are involved in a merging accident and believe that the merging driver is at fault, make sure to file out a police report. A police report usually doesn’t state who was at fault, but includes other important information that can be used as evidence in lawsuits. Most insurance agents depend on the police report to determine fault. Without the official copy of the police report, it can be difficult to determine the cause of the accident.

Compensation for the Damages

If you are involved in a merging car accident where the driver who was trying to merge is at fault, you are entitled to compensation for your damages. The insurance company of the at-fault driver may contact you after the accident and ask you to settle the case without going to the court. They will tell you that all you have to do is sign an agreement and they’ll transfer the money into your account. You may think that the cash offered by the insurance company will help you pay your medical bills and fix the damage to your vehicle.

But, you are wrong. Insurance companies make a low-ball offer to save themselves from paying you the amount you deserve. The cash they’ll offer initially won’t be enough to cover all your damages. Therefore, you should not accept early-settlement offers by the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

File a Personal Injury Lawsuit

You should file a personal injury lawsuit after a merging accident to receive compensation for your damages. An experienced car accident attorney can help you file a personal injury lawsuit. They can also collect evidence like medical reports, physical bills, employment records, police reports, photographs of the crash site, and witness testimonies. These evidences will strengthen your position at the court and help in calculating the damages you’re entitled compensation for.

Once it is established that the other party was liable for the accident, you may be compensated for lost earnings, medical bills and pain and suffering.

Even if it is clear that the other party is responsible for the accident, you should still hire an experienced accident attorney. An attorney can help you navigate through the complicated court process and help you get a fair compensation.

Wrongful Death Claim and Merging Lane Accidents

If your loved ones dies as a result of the merging car accident and the other party is responsible for the accident, you can file a wrongful death claim against them. A wrongful death lawsuit will help you receive compensation for the damages incurred because of your loved one’s death. You may be able to get compensated for pain and suffering, medical expenses, funeral expenses, future wages, and loss of support and companionship.

You’ll have to prove at the court that the merging accident occurred because of the negligence of the other driver to properly merge into the traffic. You should hire an experienced wrongful death attorney when filing a wrongful death lawsuit. An attorney will gather the evidence required for the case and help you win it.

Call David Shiner For A Free Car Accident Consultation

Merging accidents are mostly caused by a driver’s negligence to properly merge onto highways and busy freeways. People involved in a merging accident may suffer back injuries, spinal cord injuries, neck injuries and other severe injuries. If you or your loved one is involved in a merging accident, make sure to file a personal injury lawsuit or wrongful death lawsuit to get compensated for your damages. When you need to file these lawsuits, hire an experienced accident attorney from Shiner Law Group. Our attorney will make the court process seamless for you and ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

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