
Shiner Law Group » Daytona Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Daytona Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Sunny Daytona Beach is known for its pleasant weather and fun activities, so it’s no surprise that many tourists and residents like to bike around town. Unfortunately, this leads to higher-than-usual numbers of bicycle accidents. If you or a loved one has been involved in any sort of bicycle accident, it is important to consult with a good lawyer. At Shiner Law Group, we have plenty of experience handling these sorts of cases. Our Daytona Beach bicycle accident lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Daytona Beach Bicycle Accidents Are Incredibly Common

When you go biking in Daytona Beach, there is a concerningly high risk of accidents. Florida is the most dangerous state for bicyclists in the nation. Not only are bike accidents more common, but they are also more likely to lead to serious injuries or death. Volusia County tends to have particularly high rates of crashes. In 2021, there were a total of 188 bicycle crashes which was significantly higher than crash rates in nearby counties.

Daytona Beach tends to have such high rates due to the combination of warm weather and tourists. Not only are there more days of the year when people can ride bikes, but there are also more reasons to bike in Daytona. People who are visiting the beach often rent bikes to easily travel between various tourist attractions. Unfortunately, there are a lot of opportunities for wrecks along the way. Typically, bike crashes in Daytona Beach fall into four categories.

Cyclist and Pedestrian Accidents

Daytona Beach tends to have a lot of foot traffic, so pedestrians and cyclists frequently get in accidents together. Some of these accidents occur when a cyclist is riding on a sidewalk, but that’s not the only possibility. Cyclist and pedestrian incidents can also occur when a pedestrian is crossing the road or when a pedestrian walks out into the street.

Bicycle and Car Crashes

On average, about 30% of car accidents involve a Daytona cyclist getting hit by a car. These are some of the most serious bicycle accidents in Daytona Beach. Since motor vehicles weigh so much and travel at such high speeds, they can greatly damage a cyclist.

Cyclist on Cyclist Incidents

Though rare, it is possible for one cyclist in Daytona Beach to crash with another. These sorts of bicycle accidents often happen at intersections. One cyclist might not see the other approaching, and when they venture into the road, they get hit. Some incidents also occur if one cyclist suddenly stops or turns in front of another which can cause a very dangerous collision.

Single-Party Crashes

Not all Daytona Beach bike accidents involve multiple people crashing into each other. It is also fairly common for solo cyclists to end up in a wreck. These can happen in a variety of ways. In some cases, a cyclist might slip on a wet patch of road or flip when their tire hits an obstruction. These accidents may also occur if a cyclist makes an error in judgment such as taking a turn too quickly.

What Should You Do After a Daytona Beach Bicycle Accident?

If you are in a bicycle accident, it is important to act promptly. Here are some tips for dealing with the aftermath of a bicycle accident.

  • Contact emergency services. In addition to helping with physical injuries, they can assist you with filing a police report.
  • Collect witness information at the scene of the accident. If possible, check to see whether any nearby businesses or homes have video evidence of the accident.
  • Take photos of the scene of the bike accident. Make sure to note the weather, road conditions, traffic signs, and damage.
  • Get medical care even if you don’t see any obvious injuries. Bike accidents often cause concussions, nerve damage, and other hidden health problems.
  • Consult with a Daytona Beach bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible.

The Consequences of a Daytona Beach Bike Crash Can Be Devastating

Since bicycles are smaller and slower than cars, many people make the mistake of assuming a bicycle crash in Daytona Beach is harmless. However, the reality is that these accidents are quite dangerous. Cyclists are typically traveling at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour with little protection from injury. Any time something goes wrong, they can end up dealing with serious problems.

Physical Injuries

Each year, the hospitals in Daytona Beach treat multiple people with bike crash injuries. Even if a person wears protective gear, they can face serious injury or even death following a bicycle accident. 35% of cyclists suffer a facial injury while 30% have fractures or dislocations. Skin abrasions, lacerations, sprains, and brain injuries are also fairly common as well.

Permanent Physical Damage

Many serious injuries cannot be entirely cured with a trip to the emergency room. 47% of adults who are hospitalized for a bicycle accident end up with a persistent, disabling condition. Bad accidents can result in things like amputated limbs, paralysis, or disfigurement. An accident can also cause nerve or muscle damage that keeps a person from being able to perform typical daily activities without pain. Since head and face injuries are so common, Daytona Beach cyclists are also at risk for head injuries that can cause mental impairment.

Damaged Property

Of course, property damage is not as devastating as physical injury, but it is still very problematic. A bicycle crash can destroy a very pricey piece of equipment. Even an entry-level bike is hundreds of dollars, and a high-quality bike can cost thousands. This property damage can be especially difficult for Daytona Beach residents who rely on their bicycles for transportation.

Lost Earning Potential

A bicycle accident injury can affect your finances in many surprising ways. In addition to resulting in sky-high medical bills, injuries also make it harder to work. At the very least, you will probably lose wages while you are recovering. If your injuries are permanent or long-lasting, you might end up unable to support yourself at all. For example, a construction worker who breaks their back might not be able to work in their chosen career anymore.

Daytona Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Who Is Responsible for Your Bicycle Accident Injuries?

As you can see, bicycle accidents cause a lot of disastrous effects. If you want help managing all of these issues, it is a good idea to work with a Daytona Beach bicycle accident attorney and sue any responsible parties. Most Daytona Beach bicycle accident lawsuits start by considering the other party in the crash. If the other party was negligent in any way, you typically have a case. Common examples of negligent drivers, cyclists, or pedestrians include:

  • Driving under the influence
  • Running a traffic light
  • Ignoring a crosswalk sign
  • Stepping out into a road
  • Speeding
  • Failing to follow other traffic rules
  • Driving while fatigued

In addition to suing the driver, cyclist, or pedestrian involved in the crash, you may also want to consider suing the owner of the property where the crash occurred. If the property was poorly maintained, there is a chance the owner’s negligence contributed to the crash. Most Daytona Beach bike accidents happen on public roads, so in these cases, you’d be suing the government. In order to sue the government, you will need to show a government employee or contractor failed to maintain a safe road. Examples of negligence that can lead to dangerous roads include:

  • Cracked or uneven sidewalks
  • Potholes or ruts in the road
  • Poor road designs such as blind curves
  • Faded or confusing signage
  • Construction equipment left in the road

How to Get Compensation for Your Bicycle Accident Injuries

When you are injured in a bike crash and someone else is responsible, you can sue the other party to get compensation. Bicycle accident lawsuits are a type of personal injury lawsuit, so they are usually fairly straightforward. To win your case, you need to show that the other party was negligent and their behavior caused you to suffer physical, mental, or financial damages.

The Daytona Beach bicycle accident lawsuit process usually starts by discussing your case with a lawyer. We can review your circumstances and help you decide whether you have grounds to sue. Under Florida law, you typically have two years from the time of an accident to sue. However, in some cases, such as a wrongful death case, you only have two years. It is essential to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible, so you can file in a timely manner.

Once you decide to proceed with the lawsuit, your lawyer will assist you with gathering documentation and filing the initial complaint with the court. The court will review your allegations, and determine if the reason for a suit is valid. The other party is then served and has the chance to respond to your petition. You can expect to spend a lot of time going back and forth with them while negotiating a settlement or requesting evidence.

The majority of Daytona Beach bicycle accidents result in a settlement where the other party pays you money and you agree to drop your suit. However, if you can’t reach an agreement, a court date will be set. You and your legal team will attend court, present all your evidence in front of a judge and jury, and see whether they rule in your favor.

A Daytona Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer You Can Count On

The Daytona Beach bicycle accident lawyer you work with has a huge impact on your case. In addition to helping you file legal documents, they also assist you with collecting evidence and arguing on your behalf. This is why it is essential to pick an experienced, knowledgeable personal injury lawyer.

At Shiner Law Group, we have extensive experience working with bicycle accident cases. Our team understands the unique details of your situation, so we can assist you with achieving the best outcome possible. You can count on us for intelligent, aggressive representation. We work hard to make everything as clear and simple as possible, so you always stay informed on your case. To learn more about our team, contact us today.

Daytona Beach Bicycle Accident Injury Law Office

Shiner Law Group

1635 South Ridgewood Avenue, STE 218
South Daytona, FL 32119

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