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Increase in Auto Accident Related Deaths

At Shiner Law Group, we have noticed auto accidents in Palm Beach County have increased since the year 2014. According to Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, their data reveals that around August 2014 about seventy-nine people have died in traffic accidents. This year around August, one hundred and two people have died in traffic accidents caused by cars and trucks. If the number continues to increase in this pace then unfortunately this year will be hold the highest death rate due to traffic accidents in five years in Palm Beach County alone.

Safety officials believe that the increase in traffic accidents are occurring for several reasons:

Trombley said, “When gas prices are going lower, people tend to drive more”. An executive director of the Boca Raton traffic safety organization Dori Saves Lives, Tara Kirschner, said that people are being more distracted by their smart phones because it allows them to text, tweet, as well as be on Facebook. Speeding, according to her, is another cause for these accidents and when the speed and technological distractions are mixed together it creates a deadly combination.

Florida Department of Transportation data shows that the amount of miles people have traveled in Palm Beach County have increased by 4.5 percent between the year 2013 and 2014. People are driving more because the gas price has dropped by thirty percent. Deb Trombley, a senior transportation manager with the safety council, said that about twenty-six percent of all the traffic accidents are mostly due to the use of cell phones. In the past four years the U.S. Department of Transportation have observed the increase use of cellphones while driving.

The Sheriff’s office in Palm Beach County dealt with sixty-four traffic death investigations this year compared to last year around this time in which they investigated forty-five traffic deaths. They have seen an increase of impaired drivers and pedestrians this year. According to Trombley, alcohol has always been a big factor in auto related accidents. Furthermore, the Accident Data Center provides tips as well as other information at

One of the most important safety tips provided by them are on what to do when an accident happens in Palm Beach County:

Accidents can be prevented if everyone takes necessary precautions like wearing a seatbelt and not being distracted by cell phones. Sgt. Mark Wysocky, a Florida Highway Patrol spokesman, recalled a recent death in which the driver could have been alive if he was wearing a seatbelt. Wysocky says that if drivers want to be safe, then the best thing for them would be to wear seatbelts. When thinking about all theses factors, it is understood that everyone should be more responsible and sensible while driving.

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