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Back to School Safety Tips For Kids and Parents

Back to School Safety Tips For Kids and Parents

Much to the dismay of many kids (and even some parents), school is back in session. Along with the start of the school year comes an increase in road and foot traffic. The Boca Raton personal injury lawyers with the Shiner Law Group want everyone to be as safe as possible when traveling not only during the school year, but at all other times as well.

Back to School Saftey Tips

Tips for Children Walking To School

Parents: practice crossing the street at crosswalks and walking your child to school.
Stop and look left-right-left before crossing the street
Never dart out into traffic or in front of a parked car
Do NOT text, talk on the phone or use headphones while walking or crossing the street
Walk on the sidewalk if it is available if not, walk facing traffic

Tips for Bus Riders

Line up six (6) feet away from the curb or sidewalk as the bus approaches
Wear seat belts if they are available on the bus
Do NOT cross in front of the bus or was ahead of the bus so you can see other drivers
Wait for the bust to come to a complete stop before standing
Teach your child or children how to get on and off the bus and proper bus etiquette

Tips for Bike Riders

Teach your child or children the rules of the road: ride in a single line on the right side of the road and always come to a complete stop before crossing the street. You can also walk your bike across the street
Watch for hazards such as car doors opening
Wear bright colored clothing and use hand singles when turning

Local law enforcement officers encourage parents and children to be watchful at all times when going to and from school. Consider the following:

Related: Premise Liability

Bus Stop Safety and Staying Safe While On the Bus

There are also several things children can do to remain safe both at the bus stop and on the bus. With respect to bus stop safety, children should get to the bus stop at least five minutes prior to the time he or she is scheduled for pick up. Also, kids should never sit on a curb or in the road while waiting for the bus — they should find a safe spot to sit away from the road.

The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles advises parents and caregivers to teach their children the proper way to cross the street and board the bus. When the bus comes to a complete stop, children should wait for the driver to signal that it is okay to cross the street and/or board the bus. Additionally, when crossing the street, kids should look left, right, then left again and make certain the bus driver can see them when crossing.

When on the bus, children should remain seated and keep the aisle clear of bags and/or other items that might cause harm in case of an accident. Children should also know the bus driver’s name, as well as the bus number. And finally, parents should encourage their children to avoid disruptive and/or loud behavior that might distract the driver.

If you have additional questions or concerns about back to school safety, or if your child has been injured, contact The Shiner Law Group today for help.

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