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Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer


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Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Were you recently injured in a motorcycle accident in Boca Raton, FL? Our experienced Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers at Shiner Law Group are ready to help fight for your legal rights and get the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (561) 368-3363 to speak with an attorney for a 100% free consultation.

You may be entitled to seek compensation for medical bills, loss of income, pain, and suffering, and more. Contact our Boca Raton, FL law offices to discuss the legal options that might be available to you following your motorcycle accident. The next steps are very important. Let Shiner Law Group help you with your motorcycle accident case today.

Were You Injured In A Motorcycle Accident in Boca Raton?

Our Boca Raton motorcycle accident attorneys have helped motorcycle riders who have become victims of accidents and been seriously injured. The “outlaw motorcycle” stereotype is now long outdated with Hollywood celebrities, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and people from all walks of life riding motorcycles. Riding enthusiasts choose Harleys and other bikes for the excitement, fuel efficiency, and environmental benefits. Motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in a crash because of the handling and stability limitations of a bike. When you are involved in a collision when riding your motorcycle, you also have no protection against injury.

Motorcycle enthusiasts involved in crashes face a much higher risk of suffering catastrophic injury or wrongful death. When you suffer these types of injuries or lose a loved one in a motorcycle crash, an experienced and skilled Florida motorcycle accident attorney can defend your rights, protect you from the sharp tactics of insurance companies, and pursue the compensation needed to recover from your injuries.

How A Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help

Our motorcycle accident lawyers have been pursuing compensation for victims for over 15 years. Our injury attorneys offer exemplary customer service, tenacious advocacy, and a reputation for successful outcomes for our clients.

Our law firm offers more than vehicular accident attorneys who have handled a motorcycle accident or two, we are experienced litigators with 15 years of experience. Our attorneys understand the unique challenges that face riding enthusiasts. We assist our clients in navigating these obstacles in pursuit of the fullest recovery to pay medical bills, cover lost income, pay for future supportive care, and compensate for other losses. Our law firm has built a reputation for doggedly pursuing the best result for our clients while keeping our clients informed throughout the process of obtaining a settlement or verdict. Shiner Law Group’s commitment to these principles combined with our goal of adhering to the highest standards of legal ethics has helped our firm garner a wide array of accolades and awards that include:

  • Perfect “10.0 Superb AVVO Rating” (Evaluates All U.S. Attorneys/Law Firms)
  • Listing in Best Lawyers in America® and SuperLawyers®
  • Awarded “AV Preeminent” by Martindale-Hubbell (based on legal acumen and professional ethics)

At Shiner Law Group, our personal injury lawyers have the experience and expertise to navigate the special obstacles faced by riding enthusiasts. Because motorcyclists often suffer severe injury, they require emergency transportation from the crash site to the hospital. The investigating police officer often relies primarily on the other driver or occupants of his or her vehicle to analyze the accident. Not surprisingly, this arrangement frequently results in an accident report that is unfavorable to the bike accident victim. Antiquated stereotypes of riders as “risk-taking daredevils” or “biker outlaws” compound the tendency of motorcycle injury reports to be slanted for the other party. Our bike injury lawyers are aware of these influences; so we look beyond the official accident report to conduct our evaluation of the physical evidence, the crash site, witness statements, and other relevant evidence.

Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Risks to Motorcyclists in Boca Raton Accidents

It’s worth noting that negligence often cause deaths involving motorcycles. In 2018, 4985 motorcyclists died in accidents, and although this was down from the year before, motorcyclists die more in traffic accidents than other people.

Those who ride motorcycles are more likely to incur personal injuries when compared to other drivers due to being in a smaller vehicle that is not completely contained like those insides of automobiles.
On top of that, you have to worry about insurance companies trying to keep you from pushing for settlements, other motorists who want to hide their own negligence, police officers who often just want the whole thing to be over and tend to go with what a “regular” vehicle driver says, and more besides. It’s not the kind of situation that you can go alone if you have any expectation of winning.

Stereotypes about those who ride motorcycles can be a real problem if you don’t get help fast.

What to Do Directly After a Motorcycle Accident in Boca Raton

The first thing you’re going to want to do is to seek out medical help. Any lawyer is going to tell you the same anyway, so you won’t get anywhere with them if you don’t make sure you’re not in any immediate danger first. Police officers on the scene should be able to call a doctor down to have a look at you to be sure you’re not in immediate danger. Some injuries don’t show obvious signs right away, such as traumatic brain injuries.

Get Contact Information

It’s important to get contact information from any other drivers involved in the accident as well as any witnesses. This will be critical to have later. Make sure you get license plate numbers, insurance information, phone numbers, emails, addresses as well as the person’s full name.

One of the reasons for trying to do this right away is in case one of the other drivers tries to leave the scene early. If you have their contact information, then you can still get compensation for your personal injury if they turn out to be at fault.

Take Photos

A Boca Raton personal injury lawyer can help you with this part as well, but it helps to gather photographic evidence right away if you can. Photos from directly after an accident can be of particular value when the actual trial or settlement negotiation happens.

Photos are often more trusted than just what someone says about an accident in written form. Police officers will also be taking pictures, but taking your own before the scene is cleared of evidence is often a good idea.

Everyone can make mistakes, after all, including officers. It’s not 100 percent certain that the photos will help, but they might, and they will give you peace of mind about the situation for sure.

Avoid Talking to Anyone About the Claim

Anything you say can be recorded and brought up in court later. Don’t talk to the other drivers or anyone else at the scene. If anything you say sounds like an admission of guilt it could potentially be used against you. This is also why speaking to a Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyer is so important since they can guide you on how to speak to fellow motorists, the police, witnesses, and so on.

However, in general, you won’t want to say anything in terms of specifics about the accident to anyone, especially in the immediate aftermath. This includes especially social media. A lot of investigators will use any comment you give on the accident or anything you say or do on social media against you.

Even a picture of you looking OK on social media could be used against you. It’s best to just stay off it altogether until the situation is over.

Early Settlements

Some insurance companies who investigate the accident may give you an early offer right away. They will likely know who is at fault fairly quickly. One of their strategies is to offer small settlements right away to potential victims to avoid much larger payouts. What they are going to try to do is get you to waive your right to a trial, but don’t fall for it. Talk to a lawyer first.

Traffic Violations Causing Motorcycle Injuries in Boca Raton

There are some factors that contribute to motorcycle injuries include negligent drivers, defective motorcycles, improperly maintained bikes, unsafe roads, and other vehicles with defects. Drivers who violate traffic safety rules, multi-task behind the wheel, and otherwise engage in unsafe driving practices constitute the primary cause of many crashes. Some of the violations of traffic safety laws that cause motorcycle accidents include the following:

  • Tailgating
  • Running red lights and stop signs
  • Illegal left turns
  • Speeding or traveling at unsafe speeds given traffic, weather, and road conditions
  • Texting and driving
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Drunk or stoned driving
  • Unsafe passing

Motorcycle victims can pursue compensation when other parties fail to exercise reasonable care for the safety of others on public roadways, and this lack of care causes the collision resulting in injury. When drivers of passenger cars violate traffic safety laws, this violation can provide a “legal shortcut” to proving the liability of the motorist. This legal shortcut is based on the doctrine of negligence per set. In simple terms, negligence per se is a legal doctrine that makes it easier to establish negligence when a party violates a law designed to protect the public. While you must still prove that the violation of the traffic safety law was the cause of your injuries, you do not need to prove that the defendant owed you a legal duty of care or that the driver deviated from that duty of reasonable care.

We have provided an example of how our experienced personal injury attorneys might use the negligence per se shortcut to prove the liability of a motorist causing a crash. A motorcycle proceeds straight through an intersection before being hit by an oncoming passenger car driver. The car turns left into the motorcycle against a red turn arrow. Because the driver of the car made an illegal left turn, the motorcyclist can focus on proving the damages of the plaintiff and that the illegal turn caused those damages.

Boca Raton, FL Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Being one of the larger cities in Palm Beach County, motorcycle accidents are a far too often occurrence. Between residents and tourist the roadways of Boca Raton are highly congested and and primed for potential vehicle accidents.

According to a 2021 data report by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Palm Beach County motorcycle accidents resulted in the following:

  • 2018: 450 total crashes, 351 injuries and 28 fatalities
  • 2019: 410 total crashes, 339 injuries and 23 fatalities
  • 2020: 376 total crashes, 296 injuries and 29 fatalities
  • 2021: 385 total crashes, 316 injuries and 25 fatalities

Though total crashes have reduced over the previous four years, injuries as a result of motorcycle accidents averaged about 80% and fatalities around 6.5%.

Data provided by

Boca Raton Motorcycle Accidents Due To Distracted Drivers

While the failure to obey traffic safety laws causes many motorcycle crashes, drunk drivers and distracted drivers pose a particularly serious threat to those riding motorcycles. Intoxicated drivers cause nearly 10,000 traffic fatalities annually and catastrophic injury to many more. Drunk drivers with compromised senses, poor judgment, and diminished reaction times often fail to take evasive action or to brake to avoid running down a motorcyclist. The frequent inability of drunk drivers to try to avoid collisions provides part of the reason that they account for a third of all traffic-related fatalities. Since motorcyclists virtually have no protection from injury, they face a heightened risk of injury from drunk drivers.

Although drunk drivers continue to constitute the leading cause of traffic-related fatalities, distracted driving has been referred to as the “new drunk driving.” Like intoxicated drivers, drivers who are texting or engaging in other forms of multi-tasking often do not notice difficult to see motorcycles. Bikes are smaller and often travel in areas of the roadway that motorists do not expect a vehicle. While distracted drivers have long presented a danger to motorcyclists, the distracted driving problem has reached epidemic proportions. In a recent one-year period, distracted drivers caused 3,179 fatalities and 431,000 more injuries according to the federal government’s distracted driving website. Inattentive drivers have long presented an increased risk of injury to unprotected riders while engaging in a broad range of multi-tasking, such as:

  • Eating and drinking
  • Reaching for objects
  • Adjusting the car stereo or media center
  • Reading a newspaper, directions, or map
  • Grooming (e.g. shaving, applying makeup, brushing hair)
  • Disciplining children in the backseat

The obsessive use of cell phones when driving has caused the threat posed by multi-tasking drivers toward motorcyclists to increase dramatically. The federal government website also reports that 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving during daylight hours.

When you are injured in an accident involving a motorcycle, representation by an experienced personal injury lawyer is particularly important. Distracted driving can be difficult to prove, so a careful investigation is often necessary to expose this cause of a collision. Our law firm might subpoena the other driver’s phone records to look at the call and texting history. We also evaluate the circumstances of the accident to uncover possible distracted driving, such as when a driver slams into a motorcycle stopped at a red light. Our trial lawyers work with accident reconstruction teams to identify negligent conduct and determine the cause of a motorcycle crash.

Common Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Negligent Drivers

General negligence can cause injuries to motorcycle drivers as well.

For example, according to the NHTSA, reading one text while you drive at 55 miles per hour will take your eyes off the road for around 5 seconds.

At the speed of 55 miles per hour, this means you will drive the distance of an entire football field without even looking at it. You might as well be driving that distance with your eyes closed. Beyond being illegal in many areas, this is also extremely dangerous and negligent.

People also tend to do similar other things which may not be technically illegal but are often equally dangerous like eating or drinking, changing the radio, brushing their hair, talking to people in the backseat, reading a book, or any number of other things.

Negligence Causes Injuries to Motorcycle Drivers

Some motorists who aren’t paying attention could take left turns while missing a bike driver, causing grave injury to them.

If a city fails to clean up debris on the road, it could cause a motorbike to skid on it. Car drivers who change lanes without paying attention may miss someone on a motorbike and seriously injure them that way.

They could open the door on the road, causing a motorbike to smash into it. There is an infinite number of ways that negligence causes injuries.

The key is to find a lawyer that knows how to use this to prove fault.

Drivers of passenger cars who disregard traffic safety laws, multi-task behind the wheel, or otherwise drive unsafely cause an array of motorbike accidents. While a motorcycle or scooter can be involved in many of the same types of accidents as passenger cars, there are special types of crashes that tend to impact riders:

  • Left Turn Accidents: When a motorist fails to see a motorcycle or misjudges a rider’s speed, the car might turn in front of you at an intersection. Sometimes drivers perceive just the absence of cars rather than the presence of a motorcycle.
  • Skidding on Road Debris: When roadways are not properly maintained, gravel or sand that spills from a big rig or deterioration of the roadway surface can pose serious crash risks for riders. While cars can negotiate such obstacles without noticing their presence, poorly maintained roads or hazards created by debris falling from tractor-trailers and other vehicles can be extremely dangerous to riders.
  • Cars Changing Lanes into a Motorcyclist: When a car driver suddenly veers into space you are occupying in an adjacent lane, the results can be a motorcyclist may die. Motorcyclists face a special risk of this type of accident because bikes easily fit into a driver’s blind spot.
  • Rear End Collision: While a rear-impact collision can happen with any two types of vehicles, the consequences are very different when a motorcyclist is rear-ended while stopped for traffic, a red light, or a stop sign. While fault might be relatively clear in such situations, the insurance company often fights hard trying to minimize the severity of injury because of its liability exposure.
  • Car Door Opening: The biggest gap in traffic might be located between a stationary line of active traffic and parked cars. When you drive through this path, an inattentive driver might open a car door into your bike. This form of motorist inattention is very dangerous, which is why the area within a door’s width of parked cars is referred to as “The Death Zone.”

These are just a handful of the special type of motorcycle collisions that our law firm handles for personal injury and wrongful death victims. Our Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers represent a significant number of riders, who are struck by distracted, speeding, drunk, or otherwise careless motorists. Our attorneys recognize that police reports will often be slanted against a motorcyclist because of negative stereotypes about riders and the need for the motorcyclist to be rushed to the hospital before an interview. Our law firm also understands the special handling and safety limitations of bikes, which empowers us to analyze the liability of an at-fault driver.

Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Safety

Although our motorcycle injury attorneys represent riders who suffer serious injury and families that lose a loved one, we would prefer to meet our friends and neighbors at local social or charity events. Our law firm advocates safe riding practices, which mean always wearing a helmet approved by Snell or the Department of Transportation (DOT). Helmets can reduce the risk of suffering potentially fatal head injuries while also protecting a personal injury or wrongful death claim.

While motorcycles constitute only three (3) percent of registered vehicles, they account for nine (9) percent of traffic-related fatalities according to the NHTSA. Since head injuries are the most common cause of motorcycle crash-related fatalities, the significance of strapping on a helmet cannot be overstated. Helmets are 37 percent effective in preventing riding fatalities. Unfortunately, the number of rider deaths has increased in recent years because fewer people are wearing helmets as a growing number of states have repealed mandatory universal helmet laws.

While the safety benefits of helmets provide a strong motive to wear a helmet, the decision to use head protection can also assist injury victims in pursuing lawsuits. Although it is obvious that in a motorcycle wreck you can die from your injuries, it is always best to wear a helmet. Injury victims have a duty to take affirmative action to mitigate the severity of their injury. If a motorcyclist suffers a serious head injury, the rider could have his or her recovery reduced to the extent the lack of a helmet increased the severity of the injuries. If the motorcyclist does not suffer a head injury, then the lack of helmet use would probably not impact the legal claim.

Using an Experienced Boca Raton Motorcycle Injury Lawyer to Challenge Insurance Companies

When you are injured in a motorcycle wreck caused by a negligent driver, the at-fault motorist’s auto insurance company will typically handle the accident claim. Insurance companies increase their profits when they find ways to deny valid claims and lowball claims. Our experienced Boca Raton injury trial attorneys at the Shiner Law Group relieve our clients’ of the stress of dealing with insurance company traps and navigating legal complications. Some of the ways our experienced motorcycle accident law firm can help includes:

Dealing with Attempts to Shift Fault: Insurance companies will often attempt to shift blame for causing a motorcycle crash to the rider. While this strategy does not permit the insurer to avoid liability completely, the judge or jury can allocate the percentage of negligence between the plaintiff and defendants. The plaintiff’s recovery is reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to the injury victim.

Overcoming Misconceptions about Riders: Although people from all walks of life now ride motorcycles for leisure, travel, or commuting, many people still hold misconceptions about riders being risk-takers or outlaws. Our lawyers recognize these misconceptions can create bias against motorcycle crash victims, so we work diligently to dispel these mistaken assumptions that can shape a witness or juror’s perceptions.

Pushing the Injury Claim Forward: Insurance companies recognize that they gain an advantage the longer a motorcycle accident claim drags on. The insurance company makes money by keeping funds invested that would be used to pay settlements or verdicts. Because motorcycle victims often suffer debilitating injuries that cause long periods of time off work or even permanent diminished earning capacity, they can experience significant financial hardships. Since the insurance company benefits from delays in settling the case while injury victims face mounting financial challenges, the insurer might use tactics to delay the resolution of a motorcycle accident claim.

Informed Evaluation of Settlement Offers: If liability is fairly clear, the insurance company might offer a quick settlement that does not fully compensate the victim for his or her injuries. This premature settlement offer is intended to prevent a motorcycle crash victim from completing medical treatment and learning the value of his or her claim from an experienced personal injury attorney. If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you should never settle the claim before completing all treatment and obtaining legal advice from a lawyer with experience handling similar claims.

Evaluate Written Documents: The insurance company might attempt to get you to sign documents that compromise your rights or your claim. The insurance company might want you to sign a general release of liability as a condition for accepting a settlement check. This type of release will waive all claims, including claims that you do not know exist. The insurance adjuster also might ask you to sign an authorization to release medical or employment records. While the insurer might tell you that the form will allow the insurer to obtain the information needed to resolve the claim, the insurance carrier often will seek documents or information that the insurer is not entitled to receive. If our law firm handles your claim, we can protect your privacy and prevent the insurance company from engaging in overly expansive discovery requests by raising valid objections.

Finding the Best Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Possible

When looking for a lawyer that can help you win, it’s important to focus on the following qualities.

Experience with Motorcycle Personal Injury Cases

The attorney group you want knows how to counteract the perception that motorcycle riders are somehow innately dangerous. They will know how to deal with insurance companies that will be constantly trying to shift blame onto you. They will have experience pushing the injury claims forward at the right times.

Their experience will shine through when it comes to evaluating settlement offers so that you don’t settle too soon when you could get more. It will also come through when it comes to evaluating documents, and laying out your options for you.


It helps if a company has awards such as:

  • Receiving a 10.0 Superb Rating from AVVO for U.S. Lawyers.
  • Getting on lists like “Best Lawyers in America” and “Superlawyers.”
  • Having awards like the “AV Preeminent” award from Martindale Hubbard for legal skill and professional ethics.

Shiner Law Group has all of these awards, as well as years of experience, many expert lawyers, 24/7 contact options, and the opportunity for a free consultation request.

Speak With A Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

If you or someone you love has died because of the negligent, reckless or intentional conduct of another, we welcome you to contact our experienced legal team so that we can evaluate your claim and advise you of your rights and options.

We are committed to helping victims recover the compensation they need to move past injuries or loss, so call us 24/7 at 561-368-3363 or online for a free case review to see how we can help.

Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident FAQ’S

Commonly asked questions from victims injured in car accidents

What Should I Do Immediately After a Motorcycle Accident?

The steps you take right after a motorcycle accident can influence the outcome of the court case. You should immediately notify a police officer after an accident. The official police report will serve as a vital piece of evidence in a motorcycle accident case. You also need to note down the names and contact details of all witnesses present at the scene of the accident. The testimonies of witnesses can also influence the outcome of a motorcycle accident case.

You should get a medical checkup right after the accident. Getting a medical checkup is also important since the doctor’s report about the injuries can help you assess the extent of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.

When Should I Contact A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Contacting a motorcycle accident attorney is important as it can improve your chances of a successful outcome from a motorcycle accident lawsuit. Make sure that you contact a professional attorney within the time limit mentioned in the Statute of Limitation. As per Florida law, the victims injured in a motorcycle accident have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit.

How Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help Me?

Hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer will help you save the time and effort involved in filing a motorcycle accident claim in Florida. The professional attorney will help in meeting court requirements to successfully file a claim. In addition, the attorney will gather the required evidence to prove the guilt of the defendant in court.

How Can I Find A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near Me?

You must read online reviews to find a professional motorcycle accident attorney. Make sure that the motorcycle accident lawyer has a successful track record. Hiring a reputable and experienced motorcycle attorney will increase the chances of a favorable outcome of a motorcycle accident claim.

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Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Law Office

Shiner Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers

7800 Congress Ave #108, Boca Raton, FL 33487

(561) 368-3363

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